Yacht Rental

What Are The Advantages of Sailboat Charter vs Cruise?

When comparing a sailboat charter experience to a cruise ship holiday, luxury destinations, unrivalled service, exquisite meals, and a variety of other fun activities are only the tip of the iceberg. As you consider a much-needed break, the water starts calling your name, and you begin to make preparations. You once enjoyed travelling on cruise […]

How Much Should You Tip on a Yacht Charter?

Tipping the crew of a luxury yacht charter after a memorable vacation is a must. It is only fitting to appropriately reward the team that was there for you when you needed assistance, offered unparalleled service, and brought you to your destination with no hassle. When it comes to tipping, a common concern is knowing […]

How Long is a Yacht Charter Season?

A luxury yacht charter is one of the most immersing trips you can take on your vacation. With impeccable service, absolute solitude, and the splendour of the open sea in a dreamlike setting, it’s no wonder the industry is experiencing such a surge in popularity. However, charter trips aren’t always available all year round.  A […]

A Beginners Guide to Night Sailing in Phuket

Phuket is well-known for its beautiful bodies of water that attract yacht owners and charters alike. There are numerous tiny islands and islets scattered throughout this majestic land, ranging from raucous party destinations to secluded tropical beaches. But is night sailing a wise time of day to view the magnificence of Thailand’s wealthiest province? In […]